PhotoModeler is a software application that performs image-based modeling and close range photogrammetry – producing 3D models and measurements from photography.
Close Range Photogrammetry (CRP) is a sub-set of photogrammetry and is differentiated from Aerial Photogrammetry by the type of input photographs. In CRP photographs are taken from the ground, or from aerial positions that are at a closer range to the subject than typical Aerial Photogrammetry.[1][2] PhotoModeler and CRP are used for performing measurement and modeling in archaeology, architecture, biology, engineering, film production, forensics, and mining.[3][4][5] Image-based-modeling is another term used to describe the 3D modeling of existing scenes and objects by using images as input. PhotoModeler, first publicly released in 1993, was the first commercial all-digital close-range photogrammetry and image-based-modeling system.[6]
Source: Wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia