As pipas ainda enchem de cores o céu da China. As lanternas continuam balançando ao vento. As bicicletas nas ruas reforçam o velho retrato que fazemos do país mais populoso do mundo. Mas por quanto tempo? As bicicletas estão perdendo espaço. A cada ano, são 13 milhões de novos carros no país.
A China de hoje é uma país que olha para o futuro e procura encontrar soluções para aqueles problemas que atingem todas as grandes cidades, como poluição e trânsito caótico. Um ônibus, por exemplo, pode levar 1,4 mil passageiros. Ele foi projetado para funcionar como uma espécie de túnel em movimento. Ele é alto e, enquanto ele está circulando, os carros podem passar por baixo dele. Resultado: nada de congestionamento.
O ônibus elevado roda a 2,2 metros do chão, sobre trilhos colocados nas laterais das pistas. Ele é movido à energia elétrica, e a velocidade média é de mais ou menos 50 km/h. Quando ele para no ponto para pegar ou deixar passageiros, o trânsito não precisa parar junto com ele. As estações também ficam no alto, bem longe da pista.
Desfazer o nó do trânsito é um desafio, porque a paciência chinesa com o engarrafamento já acabou há muito tempo. A trilha sonora mais ouvida nas cidades é o som irritante das buzinas.
O engenheiro que projetou o ônibus elevado diz que ele pode reduzir os congestionamentos em até 30%. Cada quilômetro da linha vai custar cerca de US$ 10 milhões, mais ou menos R$ 17 milhões. Mas, se o trânsito andar tão bem como em uma cidade de mentira, valerá a pena. O que os chineses mais querem é se modernizar valorizando o passado. (Fonte: Globo Reporter)
What you can see from the video is traffic jams, what you can hear is noise, and there is also invisible air pollution. At present, there are mainly 4 types of public transits in China: subway, light-rail train, BRT, and normal bus. They have advantages and disadvantages, for example, subway costs a lot and takes long time to build; BRT takes up road spaces and produces noises as well as pollution to the air. How to develop environmental-friendly public transportation? Straddling bus provides a solution. Let's watch a demonstration.
The straddling bus combines the advantages of BRT, it is also a substitution for BRT and subway in the future. As you all know, the majority vehicle on the road is car, the shortest vehicle is also car. Normally our overpass is 4.5-5.5 m high. The highlight innovation of straddling bus is that it runs above car and under overpass. Its biggest strength is saving road spaces, efficient and high in capacity. It can reduce up to 25-30% traffic jams on main routes. Running at an average 40 km/h, it can take 1200 people at a time, which means 300 passengers per cart.
Another strength of straddling bus is its short construction life cycle: only 1 year to build 40 km. Whereas building 40-km subway will take 3 years at best. Also the straddling bus will not need the large parking lot that normal buses demand. It can park at its own stop without affecting the passage of cars. This is what the interior looks like: it has huge skylight that will eliminate passengers' sense of depression when enter.There are two parts in building the straddling bus. One is remodeling the road, the other is building station platforms. Two ways to remodel the road: we can go with laying rails on both sides of car lane, which save 30% energy; or we can paint two white lines on both sides and use auto-pilot technology in the bus, which will follow the lines and run stable.
There are also two ways in dealing with station platform. One is to load/unload through the sides; the other is using the built-in ladder so that passengers can go up and to the overpass through the ceiling door.
Straddling bus is completely powered by municipal electricity and solar energy system. In terms of electricity, the setting is called relay direct current electrification. The bus itself is electrical conductor, two rails built on top to allow the charging post to run along with the bus, the next charging post will be on the rails before the earlier one leaves, that is why we call it relay charging. It is new invention, not available yet in other places.
The set here is super capacitor, a device that can charge, discharge and store electricity quickly. The power it stores during the stop can support the bus till the next stop where another round of charging takes place, achieving zero toxic gas throughout the process.
About the ultrasonic waves put forth from the end of the bus, that is to keep those high cars or trucks away from entering the tunnel. Using laser ray to scan, cars get too close to the passage will activate the alarm on the bus end. Inside the bus, there are turning lights that indicate a the bus is intending to make a turn to warn the cars inside. Also radar scanning system is embedded on the walls to warn cars from getting too close to the bus wheels.
Nowadays many big cities have remodeled their traffic signaling system, to prioritize public buses, that is to say when a bus reaches a crossing, red light on the other side of the fork will turn on automatically to give buses the right of way. Our straddling bus can learn from this BRT method. The car can make the turn with the bus if that is the direction it wants to go too; if not, the red light will be on to stop the cars beneath while the bus take the turn.
The bus is 6 m in width and 4-4.5 m high. How will people get off the bus if an accident happens to such a huge bus? Here I introduce the most advanced escaping system in the world. In the case of fire or other emergencies, the escaping door will open automatically. I believe many of you have been on a plane. Planes are equipped with inflated ladder so people can slide down on it in emergency. I put the escaping concept into the straddling bus. It is the fastest way to escape.
(Source: Youtube)